Special Edition Newsletters are an exclusive product of eKapija, which focuses and brings together information from certain fields in a single place. With our new newsletters, we want to look deep into each subject, see it from various angles and create reference material which presents the current situation in a given field and considers the potential ways of development.

Special Edition Newsletters are forwarded to all eKapija users, to nearly 20,000 email addresses.

We will announce the publication of Special Edition Newsletters on time. If you are a company which operates within a concrete field, this is a unique place where you can give your opinion, present your products and further increase your visibility with the readers of our portal.

For all additional information, ideas and suggestions, please, write at urednik@ekapija.com or marketing@ekapija.com.

When it comes to interior design, trends change but one thing stays the same, the need of the end-user for practical and comfortable space. How to accomplish that and add modern tone to the interior space at the same time – here lies the art, the skill and the challenge. And there are challenges to spare nowadays. Working from home is still an ongoing tendency and with it comes the challenge

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Digital Transformation - Roadmap to eFuture

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The real estate market in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia & Herzegovina is dynamic and susceptible to various influences and therefore, it changes accordingly. All things considered, it remained immune to crises caused by the coronavirus and the Ukraine war. Despite the increase in prices, the higher costs of construction materials and energy sources, the sales are not declining and the demand

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Saving – the word never seems to have been as current as it is today. At the time when we are all looking for how and where to save the most easily, some companies have realized that one of the ways to save lies precisely in green business. It has long been believed that profit and environmental protection do not go together. That this is wrong is shown by companies whose stories you can find

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The time behind us, but also the one we are currently operating in, shows that companies from the sector of transport and logistics have to adapt quickly to each new circumstance that occurs in the market. The flow of goods, with initial difficulties, has not stopped for a moment after all, whereby this sector shows its resilience. The conflict in Ukraine is a new obstacle to successful

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A successful adaptation to the new market circumstances is the formula for every company’s success, and what the process goes like depends on how much experience there is. This Diary of Success couldn’t escape this topic as the backbone either, because, in addition to the pandemic-induced crisis, which is waning, there is now the crisis caused by the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. We talked to

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