UNDP Beograd

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Beschreibung der Tätigkeit
The United Nations Development Programme is the UN’s global development network to help people build a better life. UNDP works on the ground in 166 countries, and in this country since 1952, helping them find their own solutions to global and national development challenges. At the core of human development are the UNDP principles:

Allowing people to lead the lives they choose
People having the means and opportunities to make these choices
The United Nations Development Programme Serbia and Montenegro Country Office is steadfast in supporting Serbia and Montenegro in all its efforts to achieve the highest degree of human dignity and prosperity for all its citizens irrespective of gender, ethnicity or creed.

We strive to promote sustainable human development, human security and equal opportunities in accordance with European and international norms, standards and commitments accepted by Serbia and Montenegro.

By connecting people with knowledge and sharing our global experiences, UNDP builds partnerships and helps mobilize resources while at the same time assisting Serbia and Montenegro in sharing its own development experience and skills with others.